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添加時(shí)間:2019/04/10 來(lái)源:吉林大學(xué) 作者:沈洪
本文所講的整個(gè)超高壓下測磁程控界面軟件研發(fā)過(guò)程的意圖就在于通過(guò)研發(fā)基于 Visual Basic 6.0 的超高壓下測磁程控界面軟件,來(lái)為廣大用戶(hù)提供一個(gè)值得借鑒的研發(fā)過(guò)程,也為將來(lái)的讀者自行研發(fā)人機交互界面起到了一定的積極作用。



  對于以上所描述的情況,我們研發(fā)了基于 Visual Basic 6.0 的超高壓下測磁程控界面軟件。Visual Basic 6.0 既能夠通過(guò) DLL 完成 IO 端口的輸出輸入功能,又能夠經(jīng)由 API 函數或 MSComm 控件來(lái)達到串口通信的目的,可以輕易地實(shí)現顯示圖像的功能和數據的存儲功能,且能夠將數據保存到 EXCEL 等軟件中進(jìn)行簡(jiǎn)單的數據處理,因而它是筆者首選的語(yǔ)言開(kāi)發(fā)環(huán)境。我們研發(fā)的軟件數據較為可靠,且測量精度較高,并且能夠完成數據的自動(dòng)處理、自動(dòng)存儲并能在 EXCEL中繪制簡(jiǎn)易的曲線(xiàn)圖等任務(wù),從而對所測試的樣品的各項參數有一個(gè)較為全面的了解,這對于我們進(jìn)行后續實(shí)驗是非常必要的。

  本次課題研究試著(zhù)按照軟件工程的標準來(lái)進(jìn)行分析、組織和所需功能的實(shí)現。第一章簡(jiǎn)要介紹了目前超高壓下物質(zhì)磁性測量的研發(fā)現獎及本課題的主要研究?jì)热菖c意義,第二章分析了超高壓下測磁程控界面研發(fā)的實(shí)際需求,第三章進(jìn)行軟件概要設計,并以此為基礎提出超高壓下測磁程控界面的研發(fā)軟件的基本框架:數據采集部分以及數據處理部分。第四章主要是對 VB6.0 及串口通信和鎖相放大器的相關(guān)知識進(jìn)行介紹,并簡(jiǎn)單講解如何在 VB 中添加 MSComm 控件及 EXCEL應用。第五章對軟件研發(fā)的詳細過(guò)程及驗證進(jìn)行歸納整理,通過(guò)界面設計、代碼編寫(xiě)規范化介紹、軟件實(shí)現的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)進(jìn)行介紹,講述了軟件使用的方法及注意事項,最后進(jìn)行一次數據采集實(shí)驗來(lái)驗證軟件架構的合理性和軟件使用的有效性,并進(jìn)行設備聯(lián)調。本論文最后是對此次研發(fā)工作進(jìn)行總結,指出由于時(shí)間關(guān)系并未來(lái)得及實(shí)現的功能,并對該軟件的前景及其應用意義進(jìn)行展望。




  When we are doing experiments about the related data of the magnetic in the condition of the ultra-high pressure, the collection of the experiment data plays one of the most important parts. Although we can collect the data we need only from operating the Phase-locked amplifier, only by operating the instrument can't collect data largely and totally. Based on these above, we need to research and development a programmable interface software which can collect and analyze data. high accuracy.

  high efficiency and only for the collection of the material of magnetic in the condition of the ultra-high pressure. Of course, there are similar software abroad, but many features in the software are not that we need, and they are not free of charge, so they're not easy to be promoted. So how to development an convenient to use and comprehensive programmable interface software independently seems to be an important subject. Through reading this article, we can development other programmable interface software independently.

  Based on these above, we develop a programmable interface software in the condition of the ultra-high pressure based on Visual Basic 6.0.Visual Basic 6.0 can complete the function of the input and output by using DLL, and it can do serial port communication through API functions or MSComm controls, it can display the images and storage data easily, and storage data to EXCEL and do some easy data processing, so it's the first choice of the language development environment. The software that we develop is reliable, accurate and automatic-saved, so this kind of software is necessary for our subsequent experiments.

  In this topic research, we try to analyze, organize and realize the function that we need in the standard of the Software Engineering. The first chapter briefly introduces the recent progress of the measurement of the material of magnetic in ultra-high pressure and the mainly research content and significance of this topic. The second chapter analyzes the ultrahigh pressure under the actual demand of magnetic programmable interface development, the third chapter summary design software, and on this basis, we raise a basic framework of the software: data acquisition and data processing part. The fourth chapter mainly introduces the relevant knowledge of VB6.0, MSComm and Phase-locked amplifier. The fifth chapter summarized the detailed process of software development and validation, through standardizing the interface design and coding is introduced, the software implementation is introduced, the key techniques of about software use method and matters needing attention, finally we do an experiment to prove the rationality and effectiveness of the software, and do equipment alignment. At the end of this paper, we summarize the research and development, point out the function that we haven't had time to realize, and look forward to the prospects and application significance of this software.

  The success of this software research and development can save much time in the experiment, and can also measure data roundly and intuitively. So, the research and development of the software has a certain theoretical significance and practical application value.

  Keywords:VB, Phase-locked amplifier 7265, The data collection, The performance test

  在我們平時(shí)做有超高壓下物質(zhì)磁性的相關(guān)數據測量的實(shí)驗過(guò)程中,應用的鎖相放大器進(jìn)行大量數據采集并對數據進(jìn)行分析是不可缺少的一個(gè)環(huán)節。因為只有對大量數據進(jìn)行分析,才能確定是否成功的過(guò)濾掉許多的不必要的信號干擾,從而得到較為正確的數據。然而如果僅僅是對儀器面板進(jìn)行操作,采集數據較為麻煩,且由于時(shí)間間隔不同,不能有效把握采集到的數據間的規律。當然會(huì )有少部分用戶(hù)自行研發(fā)了在電腦上可以使用的程控界面,不過(guò)由于種種原因并未普及,或者不能夠全面地展示所有采集功能。

  因此,本文以鎖相放大器 7265 為研發(fā)對象,總結了前人的經(jīng)驗,采集基本上為大家所熟知的 Visual Basic 6.0 軟件,積極開(kāi)展對超高壓下物質(zhì)磁性的相關(guān)數據測量程控界面的研發(fā),讓讀者能夠直觀(guān)明了地看到筆者的研發(fā)過(guò)程,這樣將來(lái)讀者在研發(fā)其它儀器的程控界面時(shí),可以由本文起到一個(gè)借鑒的作用。因此,本文雖然旨在研發(fā)超高壓下的測磁程控界面,但對于使用鎖相放大器進(jìn)行科學(xué)研究的讀者們,也具有較大的現實(shí)意義。







目 錄

  引 言
  第 1 章 概述
    1.1 超高壓下物質(zhì)磁性測量的研發(fā)現狀
    1.2 本課題的主要研究?jì)热菖c意義
  第 2 章 軟件研發(fā)需求分析
    2.1 問(wèn)題的提出
    2.2 軟件研發(fā)功能要求
    2.3 軟件數據流程分析
  第 3 章 軟件概要設計
    3.1 總體設計
      3.1.1 研發(fā)軟件的構成
      3.1.2 軟件研發(fā)的結構示意圖
    3.2 數據采集部分設計
    3.3 數據處理部分設計
  第 4 章 VB、串口通信與鎖相放大器
    4.1 VISUAL BASIC 6.0 的特點(diǎn)以及功能
    4.2 MSCOMM 控件介紹
    4.3 鎖相放大器簡(jiǎn)要介紹
  第 5 章 軟件研發(fā)流程
    5.1 軟件界面設計
      5.1.1 軟件主界面的設計
      5.1.2 串口設置界面設置
      5.1.3 一鍵設定界面設置
      5.1.4 其它界面設置
    5.2 代碼編寫(xiě)規范化
    5.3 軟件實(shí)現的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)
      5.3.1 通過(guò) MSComm 控件實(shí)現數據收發(fā)
      5.3.2 延時(shí)程序模塊的設定
      5.3.3 將 VB 與 EXCEL 關(guān)聯(lián)
    5.4 軟件使用注意事項
    5.5 進(jìn)行一次數據采集及處理實(shí)驗
    5.6 軟件運行環(huán)境的調試
  第 6 章 研發(fā)過(guò)程總結及展望
    6.1 過(guò)程總結
    6.2 工作展望
  附 錄
  致 謝


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